Original text and cameras by Patrick Le Luyer

=========================================================== AIRBUS A400M ============================================

Version : 26 avril 2011

// If you want to eliminate one or more views - for whatever reasons - I suggest that you simply "cycle out" the
// view(s). This technique allows you to keep the camera definitions in the file but the views won't appear on screen
// when you cycle through all the views.

// To do that :
// Take out of the cycle : go to last line of the camera definition and change CycleHidden=NO to CycleHidden=YES.
// Put back in the cycle : go to last line of the camera definition and change CycleHidden=YES to CycleHidden=NO.

=============================================== AIRBUS A400M =======================================================

Remarks: (Erwin Welker)

The cameras are configured in the aircraft.cfg,
That A400M-2 download at .com includes updated camera views (right below the entry [General])